The assembling of the museum collection and its transformation into a museum started with the archival collection, or to be precise, with the first documents on the creation of the State Central Theater Commission in 1931, information about its repertoire, cast, directorial developments. The museum has materials on the history of Obraztsov Theater (plays, musical scores, literary sheets, newspaper and magazine clippings, reports on tour trips, etc.).
A separate section presents materials about Russian and foreign theaters (information about the time of creation, composition of the creative team, repertoire, participation in festivals, touring trips, booklets, reviews of performances, posters, photos). The section on the history, theory and technique of the world puppet theater consists of plays, articles, translations.
A separate section of the collection consists of personal archives of puppet theater figures (S.V. Obraztsov; researcher of puppet theater N.M. Barkhash; the founder of the museum, theorist, author of numerous books on the technique of puppet theater A.Y. Fedotov; actor and playwright E.V. Speransky; director and artist O.L. Aristov and many others). The personal collection is a living testimony of a person, their creative life and involvement in the activities of a huge organism called the theater.