Group excursions
Group excursions
On the tour you will see puppets from different countries and continents. You will learn about different kinds of theatrical puppets and find out what secrets they hide. You will get acquainted with the puppets of the performances of our Theater and its founder Sergei Obraztsov.
The Obraztsov Theater Puppet Museum occupies a special place on the museum map of Russia and the world. Once started with an exhibition on the balcony in the first building of the theater on Mayakovsky Square, now the Museum is one of the largest - more than 4 thousand exhibits are kept in its collection.
The lights went out in the hall ... The performance is over ... The curtain is closed ...
Would you like to go backstage? And learn about puppets and all the secrets of their appearance? Walk around the stage?
To get into the office of Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov - the most important place where all this magic started?
You will be able to walk the path of the artists of our theater, to see where rehearsals are held and props are stored, how puppets are created for new performances. And, of course, the museum! Absolutely! We have the largest collection of theatrical puppets in Russia!
On the tour you will immerse yourself in the atmosphere of life and work of Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov. There, in the office, you can see a guitar which Obraztsov used to accompany himself, performing his favorite romances.
Memorial Museum-Apartment of S.V. Obraztsov was created on the initiative of his children — Natalia Sergeevna and Alexey Sergeevich.
The apartment is located in the house where many artists whose names glorified the Russian culture of the XX century lived.